Recap workings of the left brain
More info on Scope and SequenceKaupae 1 + 2 are a mix of stretchy and stop sounds.

nahanaha - systematic
raupapa - sequential
mataaho - explicit
kohura - diagnostic
huarite - rhyme
oro puare rua - sounds can still be separated
"Tinihia te .... ki te ...." = for Heggarty
oro puare rua - sounds can still be separated
oro - sound to symbol
kūoro - dividing kūoro into 'chunks' to help speed up then process of decoding fluently.
Kupu - helping tamariki orthographically map
Rerenga kōrero+ pukapuka -
Kaupae 1 (a) sample lesson - Pānui + Tuhi
Pic 1- review what the tamariki know. Whakaharatau formation. Needs to have been some explicit teaching of formation first!
Pic 2 - show 8 pikitia that begin with the pū that have been covered. Tamariki write down the oro tuatahi.Ngohe Pai
- Show pikitia of seomthing, eg kōtiro. He aha te kūoro tuatahi/whakamutunga?
- Use lego blocks for stretching out oro or kūoro
- Kupu Panga (guess the word) - show pikitia of 4 things, each thing beginning with the first pū of the kupu tamariki are trying to guess. eg. Hipi, Aniwawa, Kāmeta, Anuhe = HAKA
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