An appositive is a second noun or phrase that is placed beside another noun to explain it more fully.
Don't use 'who', 'which' - that makes it a clause.
Don't use 'who', 'which' - that makes it a clause.
'However', 'therefore', and 'consequently', 'for that reason' are not conjunctions! They are adverbs.
They can not be in the middle of a sentence. If used, begin a new sentence.
Use a comma after writing the word.
Sentence Combining
Underlining and Note-Taking
SPO (Single Paragraph Outline)
A single paragraph outline - SPO is a TWR template students used to write a single paragraph. It needs a Topic Sentence (T.S), supporting details (S.D), and a Concluding Sentence (C.S).
Great way to begin paragraphs (choose 1)
- Sentence types (question, exclamation, command, statement)
- Subordinating conjunctions
- Appositive (interrupter)
You can introduce paragraph writing in Year 1. 'We do' activity = shared writing.
Begin with a really broad topic sentence. Brainstorm ideas.
Revising is different to editing - important to distinguish difference for students.
Revising: means clarifying and altering the content or structure of a draft - at its core
revising requires writers to put themselves in the shoes of the reader.
Editing: it involves identifying and then correcting.