Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mahi by Mahi with Mahina Selby - Session 1

Structured Literacy i te reo Māori

ōkawa - formal
ōpaki - informal
Kōmitimiti - blends
Tautohu(a) - identify/locate
Arotake - review
Whakaako - explicit teaching
Mataaho - explicit

Cognitive Load Theory
Short Term Memory - Limited capacity, small duration - 5-7 items, 15-30 seconds.
Working Memory  - Allows for manipulation, still limited capacity. Temporary storage.
Long Term Memory - Orthographic memory.

Repetition, break down tasks, multi sensory and multi  

Cognitive Load
Base level load - Intrinsic - lots of new information. Overload. 
Extraneous - unnecessary load - poor fonts/colours
Generative - Germaine - integrating new information with existing knowledge. "Oh i get it." Kua taka te kapa! Making connections 

The Science of Reading
Decoding x Comprehension = Reading

Hanganga Reo Matatini

Tamariki being able to write sounds is fluent writing! 

With Te Arapū
Bring pūreta in
Kūoro and oro
Adding, deleting, changing 
All ages
Pukapuka kaiako

Scope and Sequence

Whakaaro Pai
Whakamaua he kupu mahara to te kaota o te rā.

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