Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Structured literacy PLD in School ~ 2023/2024

Remember REVLOC!

V = Vowel Teams

My Bunny

y** (two sounds)

/i/ - my

/e/ - bunny

Sentence level - Why did the bossy lady have candy in her rusty tin?

Activity - get children to draw a picture and label the words they have drawn. More able tamariki can write sentences using as many words as possible. 

Activity - have some words written up. Underneath a statement describing the word tamariki need to find. Eg. This word has a diphong and ends in a plural suffix. 

R = Controlled Vowels (bossy 'r')

A Star in Born 
ar - /ar/ 
or - /or/

Sentence level - It was hard to see in the dark because we had no torch.

Her First Term 
er -  /er/ - her
ir - /er/ - first
ur - /er/ - turn

Hook for kids - 3 people on the board - her (?) , sir (twirling his mo), fur (hairy face)
Orthographic mapping will kick in after 3-4 exposures.

Sentence level - The stern man was first to church.

More Schwa!
The unstressed syllable in a 2+ syllable word. 
Represented with an upside down e

Sentence level - After winter the teachers look forward to summer.

Suffix Rules: 3 sounds of ed

Pushed  -  Pulled  -  Lifted
ed = /t/     ed = /d/    ed = /id/

Voiced - can feel it in your throat.
Unvoiced - can not feel it in your throat.
Sentence level - I jumped over the thorny hedge and waited for my friend.  

Monday, February 12, 2024

Structured literacy PLD in School ~ 2023/2024

Recap - sequence of session

  1. Name of the new learning
  2. Background knowledge required
  3. Introduce new learning and link to prior knowledge
  4. Direct and Explicit teaching
  5. Demonstration - pull down words, 
  6. Letter level - add in new sound letter
  7. Word level - make kids repeat words 3 times. Then T chart. 'Flex it' - when kids say it wrong, try it the other way. Helps take it to orthographic level.
  8. Sentence level - use at least 6-10 words.
  9. Decodable book

V=Vowel teams

Two or more sounds joined together to make a vowel.

Cheap Thread Breaks
/ē/        /ȇ/        /ā/

most common = /ē/

Phonemes for ea
eat - /ē/ - long vowel e
bread - /ȇ/ - short vowel e
steak - /ā/ - long vowel a

Rescue the Newt
ue = /ū/       ew = /ū/

The Blue Crew
ue = /oo/   ew = /oo/
Note - /ū/ makes 2 sounds! 
/ū/ - y - this one involves 2 mouth movements
/ū/ - oo - 1 mouth movement

Phase 1 
  • au spelling is at the beginning or middle of a word.
  • aw spelling is at the end of words
  • claw, jaw, draw, awe, pause, launch, sawmill, author, August, audit.

Claw Sauce
aw/au - /or/ or /aw/

Phase 2
  • often use aw spelling before words ending in 'n' or 'l' or 'k'
  • sprawl, squawk, fawn, yawn, shawl
Look at the Moon
/oǒ/                /oō/

Out Now
ou - /ow/    ow - /ow/

Phase 1 
  • ou in the middle/beginning of a word, ow at the end of a word.
Out Brown Owl

Phase 2
  • ow can also be in the middle of a word if the word ends in 'n' or 'l'. 
You can introduce pseudo words when kids understand the spelling patterns. 

Spoil the Boy
oi - /oy/  oi - /oy/

Activity for Orthographic Mapping