Ministry of Education -L1 and L2 provisions - Te kaupapa mō te wānanga nei.
There are 6 taumata for Māori Immmersion.
Funding no long involves verification visits to check taumata. This was not the right approach. Things changed in 2022 to a roll return. We now report on percentage of te reo being taught in the school.
There can be a conglomerate of levels within one setting. The pūtea comes into the general pool of funds. Tūmuaki and and BOT can ultimately make the decisions on how that pūtea gets distributed!!! Argh!! Very high trust model. Kaiako in akomanga reorua should be apart of the roll return (saying where children sit with their reo).
In 2-3 years time, ERO/Ministry will come up with another plan to work with schools to support them with roll returns/level/ percentage of reo being spoken. Check with Educational Advisor or MIS - Manager of Integrated Services- they will tautoko.
Old Ministry Message - Level 1 and 2 - needed to use Te Marautanga, Level 3-4a, 4b used NZC. Level 1 and 2 tamariki bring in more pūtea.
What does each level generate in funding? Check!