Ko Beth Dixon te kaiako mō te mahi i te rā nei. He wahine matatau i te reo Māori. I really enjoy listening to this wāhine. It's not often I get the chance to listen to someone else kōrero Māori and it's an extra bonus when I can access that person's level of reo. She manages to keep it light but cram it full of the business at the same time. It was also a real pleasure to come together with Te Puna o te Reo - my colleagues Christine and Heather. We work together each day, however it can be difficult to touch base in our own akomanga. Today we got to sit together and kōrerorero, whakarongo, whakawhiti whakaaro, and extend that whanaungatanga further afield.
Kuapapa mō te rā nei - Reo-ā-waha i ngā wā katoa! Ko tērā te mātāmua o te whānau reo. Ko te pānui me te tuhituhi te pōtiki. Teachers can be so quick to shift to a pānui or tuhituhi focus. He aha ai? Oral language should be at the forefront of mahi ako i te reo Māori.
My takings from the day...
A goal for me to to be more explicit about what we are doing and the take (reason) for it. Āta whakaakona māriretia - explicitly learn!
Reference made to Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey - 2016
“Traits of effective teachers of oral language”
Kupu hou
Pōhēhē - to misunderstand
Āhei - be allowed
Tīpako - to pick out
Ngako - the gist
Ngohe - activity
Hōtake - programme
Mau taringa - head phones
Whai wāhi - find time
Kūwhewhewhewhe - wrinkles on the skin
Pātata - close Kei te pātata au ki a …
Hiriwa - silver
Mātotoru - thick
Tāroaroa - tall (person)
Tīwekaweka - messy
Anuhea - ugly
Whakaarihia - acting something out.
“Ko te ngohe ināianei…”
The activity now is…
Maumahara ā rongo ~ Auditory Memory
5 steps…
Pupuri - retain
Āta Whakaaro - Process
Whakaputa - produce
He kemu - He rite/re
A good follow on from our huri haere kemu - tuku mai he kupu Māori
Rule! - Rite ki/rereke i
1 - “He rite te …. ki te….”
2 - “He rereke te … i te…”
3 - He rite te … ki te …”
Haere tonu…
Tangohia te kupu ‘rereke’
Whakarongo tīpako- Active listening
Whakarongo Ngū - Passive listening
“Kei roto i te moana a Tangaroa…. he…”
“Kei roto i te kāputa o Kuia… he…”
A good site to checkout -
Pao, pao - He kemu
Take a short waiata. Tamariki say one word. in a circle, each child in turn says the next word. Kaua e waiata! Eg Tūtira mai ngā iwi. Tutira - mai- ngā -iwi....
Things I’ll take away
Mea hou ki ahau… New things I have learned today
rite/ki, rereke/i
Maumahara ā rongo - auditory memory - examples - kemu
Momo whakarongo - types of listening x 4 (I'll have to come back to this)
Ngohe ka mahia ahau…Activities I'll use asap
He rite te …. I te …
Kimihia hoa - using pikitia